So bare with me....just had ideas start popping in my head and thought hey write it down. When ideas like this show up it normally has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God. So here we go...
Within the past 6 months or so I (like most of you) started a facebook account and I soon remember how effective it could be in today's society to stay in touch with people (sad as it may be). Then it was a Twitter account was next on the technology wave for me. What is the difference in the two? At times nothing but small details. Do you need both? No but once you have both you aren't getting rid of one because they are two different things that can be synchronized together to post your 1 comment in two places. Weird? CERTAINLY. Then this week I purchased a ipod touch and now I can sync absolutely everything to it and update and post on any site at any time. I can browse the web and I can check emails, blog, listen to music, and sync mine to other's ipod to instantly share data. Is it necessary? NO by no means, but it is cool and certainly got me thinking. I had all of these things separate, but I have synced them together to make my life easier (or lazier whichever your prefer).
So what? Good question. This is where I think God took over. The last 6 months have been a very interesting time in my life spiritually as well, but the last month or two has taken it to a new level.
It all started with a prayer like it always does. The time and day I do not remember, but I do know that after reading Come Thirsty by Max Lucado I decided to go to God's well and drink as much as I could. (Each of us is now a part of his resurrection body, refreshed and sustained at one fountain-his Spirit-where we all come to drink.- 1 Cor. 12:13).
From there the prayer was answered, the question (Where are you in my life Lord? What do you have in store for me?) The answer....coming soon. If I would have followed God's answer I would have be synced up with His Will for my life, but no I had to pray again and again to make sure what He was telling me was the best thing for me. The answer...I don't make me and I will prepare you.
I put this off for quite some time before sharing it with Staci. Then Upward Football and Cheerleading began (yes the one that Brad and I said we weren't going to do). But I knew it was God's will (not the answer by the way). That season is almost over and it is not the topic at hand, but it showed/taught me something. It taught me that even when you can't do something or don't have time for it God can and will use your blind step of Faith to do big things. This season has been amazing, our numbers increased and most importantly we had more then a few kids raise their hand to accept Christ in our Gospel presentation at Practice 7. I almost teared up thinking that before that practice I was apologizing to God (and had been for a while) for messing this year up, for not doing a good job. His answer WATCH THIS! LOOK HOW AMAZING AND STRONG I AM! Why do I tell you this, for one reason GOD is POWERFUL when weak people step out in faith and trust His Will. When we are synced up with God he can do AMAZING things in our lives. I mean he is the God that fed all those people with 5 fish and 2 loaves of bread. (Matthew 14: 13-21).
Now back to the story. God started doing small things in my life syncing me to him and I never saw it coming. After being reminded that syncing my actions with God's will was best for me and my family I jumped all in and found some prayer warriors to pray for strength and perseverance through the answer that God gave me way back in the beginning of this blog. (answer still to come) I started going to a bible study at work early on Tuesday mornings. The people in there were close friends of mine and that provided me with mornings full of great discussions, scripture, doughnuts,and coffee. Then a few guys asked me to read Wild at Heart (John Eldredge ) as they were reading it. I started reading this book about being the type of man that God wants men to be. I immediately began to see how this book was a helpful tool for living life, being a good husband, father, friend, and Christian Male. I really didn't want to read it, but I felt God wanted me to do this with them, so I did. Once again trying to be in sync with God's will for my life (knowing that I made a pledge to be). Then GOD SYNCED them all together in a see I told you I would prepare you and guide you to the answer.
Ok God's answer to my first prayer (of this blog) HAVE A CHILD. Those of you that know me you know my answer NOOOOOOOOOO! Then I said ok lets get in sync here Sizemore. Shortly after starting this book and this group (which is mostly made up of good Godly men that teach and Coach middle school football with or in the same district as me) Staci and I got the news. Your pregnant. Now this in itself was a test of faith and trust God to sync our lives to His will.(another story for another day)
You see when I allowed GOD to sync my life to His will, my life got easier. It also left me open to more blessings then I could have ever imagined. Some of you are saying these events are separate events they have nothing to do with each other. Oh they do...they were synced together BY GOD to help prepare me for the big news he knew would be coming sooner the later. My facebook, twitter, and ipod touch have nothing to do with each other either, but I sync them up as most of you do as well. So why can't God sync events in our lives together too?
First the reminder that God can work through anything (even me doing a less then superb job with Upward). Then the guidance and support from people at work. The book that taught me lessons I certainly am going to need. (the book spends a lot of time talking about relationships between Dads and their kids) Then the news...oh and if your not convinced the next book on the list to finish (already started) FEARLESS by Lucado. (does anyone else see the irony?)
God used all these things (ALL SEPARATE in their own way) to sync my life to His will.
I believe everyday we should evaluate how in sync we are with God's will. YOU are the only one that can answer this, yes others can provide guidance and support but you are the only one who can truly answer that. Notice the challenge .....We need to evaluate how in sync OUR lives are with GOD'S will not your friends, co-workers, family members etc idea of God's plan for you.
There are some people who no matter what will say Andrew this is ridiculous or others may say he is lying (they will say the same things to you as well). That's how this battle of Spiritual warfare works. God syncs us to his will using people and events in our lives, Then the devil comes along and uses people (some times people close to you) to create fear, doubt, and insecurity to un-sync you from God's will.
SYNC up with GOD and see what happens in your life. Once again I felt led to sit down and slow down long enough to type. God put the words on the page. So be encouraged and SYNC UP!
God bless you all and thank you for getting to the end of this!
Blue Agate Geode
5 years ago
Oh my goodness I am so happy for you both! We love you and are praying for you!