Sunday, March 29, 2009


Well the time has come. Tomorrow we will be going to pick up our newest addition to our family. He is growing at a fast pace and will most likely end up being bigger the Bricie. There will be more updates and pictures to come as the week continues.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Well...Spring Break is right around the corner and I can't wait.
1.Looks like Wesley will be here on Sunday and I am just praying the fence is done by then with all this rain.
2. My phone is finally fixed:)
3. And I will be going back to the doctor next week. I will be seeing an Orthopedic Dr to see if there is either nerve damage, disc damage, or something that rehab will fix.
4. Staci and I have been asked to be the godparents of Analee Shaver. We were both speechless and extremely honored.

Well it is way past my bedtime. Good Night all and may God bless your Friday:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I really thought that once Upward was over I would have a lot more free time, boy was I wrong. I am so ready for spring break. Oh yea and to think how crazy that is going to be with the addition of Mr. Wesley to the family. We have also been warned that he may be a chewer :(. Well live has been busy lately, but Staci and I have continued to be extremely blessed and God has poured his grace and mercy into the hearts of Staci and I. Life has been so busy that I took a nap Sunday afternoon and missed 3/4 of the Bristol Race (unheard of). I hope to have something more to blog about soon. I feel like I do so much, but I never have anything to really write about. Until next time please remember ...."We love Him because He first loved us."1 John 4:9-10... know this and treat others with love because you know that you are loved.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can We get back to normal already?

I haven't been an active blogger since I returned from Emmaus. I stayed busy thanks to some wonderful friends while Staci was gone on her retreat. Seems like both of us had AMAZING weekends. I am still experiencing pain from my role in breaking up an altercation at school, but all in all things are great. I can't wait for Spring Break. On the Monday of Spring Break Wesley (our newest lab/chow puppy) will be joining the Sizemore household. Man are we going to need strength. It is also time to start trying to lose weight for Amy's Wedding. That is going to be tough especially with Summer cookouts rolling around at a fast rate of speed. Well I think it is about time to eat so that we aren't late for Bible Study. God Bless!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Off She Goes

Well I made it back alive from Emmaus and now it is Staci's turn. It has been a very hard week not being able to talk to her about the specifics of my trip. I can't wait to see her on Sunday night to see what she things about the trip. She is a lot more nervous then I was so make sure you add her to your prayers.

Thanks Be to God.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here I go!!!

Well it is finally the day I have been waiting on for a long time. I leave for Emmaus today. What a week, I mean we had two snow days and a great celebration for UPWARD on Tuesday and now I am going to Emmaus. I have no idea what I will be doing at all and I couldn't be more excited about it. I would appreciate any prayers that would be said though. Thanks and I will blog when I return on Sunday.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


The snow has postponed our Upward celebration today and School tomorrow. It is going ot make this next week an extrememly busy week with the Upward celebration on Tuesday and I will be leaving for Emmaus on Thursday, but it is cool to see good soft snow falling in the bunches from my daddy chair. It has been a long time since we have had this much snow "stick". Should make for a fun day tomorrow. Bricie apparently loves chasing the snow. Happy Snow Day!