Hi my name is Andrew and for some reason I decided to begin this blog. I think it may be because the people I hang out with have learned to tune me out. I have been extremely blessed by God with a great Job, house, life, and most importantly my best friend and wife :) (hopefully she sees this)!!! Our days stay exciting thanks to our puppies (Bricie June and Wesley James)and our soon to be child baby Sizemore (for now). Thanks for stopping by and feel free to comment (if it is polite of course)!
WOW! Bricie has turned 2. She is my baby girl. She is certainly spoiled, but she is a great sister and is excited about the new addition to the family.
Wesley is almost 1. He is the sweetest dog ever. He did graduate from class 1. He is so carefree and loving it is funny. He isn't the guard dog I was hoping for, unless your terrified of kisses. :)
Well the time has come. Tomorrow we will be going to pick up our newest addition to our family. He is growing at a fast pace and will most likely end up being bigger the Bricie. There will be more updates and pictures to come as the week continues.
We can't wait to meet our new neighbor tomorrow!